Crown Lengthening For Restorations
Crown Lengthening or tooth lengthening is completed to expose more of the tooth for the placement of restorations.
Crown lengthening is often recommended when restorations are needed where decay has developed under the gums, teeth have broken off, teeth are short from severe wear, or sometimes when teeth are just too short to allow a new restoration to stay in place.
Patient A
Before Crown Lengthening After Crown Lengthening with
With Restorations in Place With Restorations in Place
This patient had dark and discolored teeth with many deteriorating restorations in the back of the mouth. She was having new crowns placed and needed the teeth to be longer to hold the new restorations in place. The before photo shows her teeth as she presented and the after photo shows the teeth after crown lengthening with the new restorations in place.
Patient B

Before Crown Lengthening with After Crown Lengthening with
Restorations in place Restorations in Place
This patient was recovering from Bulimia. The inside of her teeth were eroded from the disease requiring that new crowns be placed to protect the soft teeth. The teeth needed more length to hold the new restorations in place. The before photo shows her teeth as she presented and the after photo shows the teeth after crown lengthening with the new restorations in place.
Patient C

Before Crown Lengthening with After crown lengthening
With Restorations in place With Restorations in Place
This patient presented with decay under the gum line on most of the front teeth. Crown lengthening was completed to move the gums up, exposing the decay so it could be restored. The before photo shows the teeth as the patient presented and the after photo shows the teeth after the gums were moved, but before the final restorations were in place. The exposed decay was eventually removed and new crowns were put in place.